

Self-Folding Laundry

How do you get your laundry to fold itself?

First, you get a couple of gorgeous ruby red front loaders that sing songs when you turn them on "The hills are aliiiiiiiive......"

And when you turn them off you get a beautiful chime rather than a loud, angry BUZZZZ! that wakes up the whole house during naptime.

Then you spend what feels like a gajillion years doing things like painting and spackling and sanding to make a nice home for them. But because you've been skeeved out by this room since you moved in and because of it, you don't want to spend more than 30 seconds in there doing anything much less a chore you already hate (like folding laundry), you're more than willing to do it anything it takes to fix it. Plus, the ruby red twins don't deserve to be in a room anything less than regal.

Then you get a really really cool table that hangs on the wall that you can fold up, from IKEA the megasuperstore of my dreams. $30 by the way.

It's supposed to be a table for two for a studio apartment or something. But it's not. It's a laundry folding table. Because it does this:

Oooooooh! Ahhhhhh!

So here it is. What I've (and by I, I mean me, my husband and dad) been slaving away on for the past 5 days, the official before and after:

What do you think???

Laundry yesterday was a dream. Can't wait to do it again.

See that yellow closet up there? That was the scariest part of all. It used to house a water heater. Before that, the dryer used to pump its air through there too. So there was a big hole in the wall covered up by a bunch of plywood and the walls were all unpainted and gross. So my dad and husband took everything out, made a little passageway to pump the dryer through to the garage, built a little shelf so the catbox could go under it, and all my utility stuff (vaccuum, broom, mop, etc.) could go above it. Weee! Cost? Labor plus wood plus the silver ducts that look like robot arms.

I was lying when I said you needed the front loaders for the laundry makeover, by the way. I wish I had done this sooner. All we did was spackle, put on a coat of paint, put up some shelves, that table and a couple of rugs and a curtain with tiny rod instead of that big ugly door. I would say less than $200!!!! Even with my not-so-pretty, purely functional normal white washer and dryer, I should have done this eons ago!

And now, my laundry all but folds itself! Off to do some laundry now...

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