

fat ticker friday

I'm away from the scale and computer today(you know-top secret spy mission stuff) but how did you do?? have a good week? have a happy!!


  1. From last Friday: Down .6 lb. (yeay!) Got in two runs (good one today), two video workouts, one BodyPump class. One video was the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred. I did Level 1. I liked that it combines cardio and strength, but--and can't believe I'm saying this--I wish it was 30 minutes instead of 20. Hope you have a great mission, O Top Secret Spy, and enjoy your weekend! We'll be battling the dreaded Cabin Fever and taking a short drive for a family overnighter at a hotel with an indoor pool!

  2. Congrats on deciding on a triathalon!!! I could do running and biking but the swimming thing has me running in the other direction!!!! Had a good week. Here is my post....


Talk to me, Goose!

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