

Before and After: My Friend Jen (Part one)

I'd like to introduce you to one of my dearest friends in the whole world, Jen. She is such a ray of sunshine and has the uncanny ability to see the silver lininig in everything. Together we've endured broken bones (ok, just her, more on that later...), boyfriends-now-husbands who took 10 years to "figure it out," and now, having premature babies. Jen blogs at 4 W Questions and is hilarious. Today she is my guest for the Before and After Party and she's sharing her story. On Saturday, we will walk together, with our babies who are now 2 and 3, and we will support the March of Dimes and the fight against prematurity. You can join us in your support right here or by clicking the little button on my sidebar. Without further adieu, here is her story (boy I love her. And you will see why.) :

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Before my cares were real simple: What was I doing this weekend, with whom and how much fun can we possibly have without being arrested?

After. I’d like to say that I’ve grown up some. But not too much. Life has made me a little more serious and some what jaded but at the same time laughter has always carried me through my toughest days.

The greatest shock of my life was my son being born 10 weeks too early. I was terrified for his life and his future. I was so ignorant about how many babies a year are born prematurely before it happened to us.

Nothing could have prepared me for the frightening experience of having a baby in the hospital for eight long weeks. He had blood transfusions, brain scans for bleeding, feeding issues, apnea and bradycardia episodes and a heart valve that needed to be closed. Nothing could have prepared me for leaving my son in the hands of a surgeon. I felt so scared, alone and weak at times. When I just couldn't cry anymore I did what came natural to me and always had, I laughed. The night of my son’s heart surgery I watched “The Best of Chris Farley SNL" at the Ronald McDonald house where we were staying. It was such a release to be able to smile and laugh…really laugh, that belly aching kind of laugh. It helped me to just let the situation go and realize that I had no control over it. No matter how bad things get I will always have my sense of humor. I hope to pass that on to my son. I think I’m doing a good job.


The Before and After Party ends Saturday! Join by putting up your own post of anything before and after, clicking the button above and signing the linky! Or e-mail me before and after pictures and your story and I'll post them right here!

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