

Weigh-In Wednesday

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans

Good morning!! Well for once I'm letting someone else do all the work! I'm kidding. (Kind of.) I joined a new weightloss challenge that is not my own (for once). It's called "Shrink Into Summer," over at "The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans." (Isn't that a great name? After all, we are all in this together... It's a safety in numbers sort of thing which you know I'm all about.)

8 weeks of pure weightloss fun. Starting......NOW!

So because I am sooo not posting my actual weight on here, I will zero out my dial. I am up a whole point-two pounds since last week and I don't really count that as significant. Actually, considering over the past week I was the worst I've been in a while (chinese takeout last Friday, a wedding and cake and desserts on Saturday and pizza and wings on Sunday... yeah, I know, tell me about it.) that is not all that bad.

Because come Monday I was back on the wagon hardcore. Monday I ran 3 miles and did legs (presses, squeezes, squats, lunges) and if softball counts I did that too, then Tuesday I went to spin class and kicked my own a$$. Sorry, but I did. I woke up in the middle of the night in pain. The good kind, but still.

The rest of the week looks like this:
Today: swim.
Tomorrow: rest day
Friday: swim and do arms
Saturday: 5 mile run
Sunday: Spin
Mon: 3 mile run/legs/softball
Tues: Spin
Weds: Swim

It's all part of my evil plan, the triathlon that I'm hoping will help me shrink away these last 12 pounds. That's my goal for the triathlon (which is in July) and that's my goal for this challenge. Since I like to have multiple goals going on (insurance, you know.)

And since the challenge just started, you can hop on in too, right????? Why not! It's fun for the whole family! (You don't even need a blog!) Head on over to the Sisterhood to check it out. Good luck everyone!!
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  1. Gains happen! Its ok, you have more motivation now!!! And you even posted what you know went wrong, its ok!!!! I had chinese food last week too, it was so good though! You cant deprive yourself! You can do it!

  2. And thanks for commenting on my weight loss! I hope I continue to do this good, we will see!

  3. Saw you on the Sisterhood Site and came on over to show you some sisterhood love. Keep Plugging away, that's what I'm gonna do ;-)

    Make it a great week,

  4. I love your attitude! Love it!! And I'm so glad you joined us at the Sisterhood!

    Good luck on your rigorous workout schedule this week. You're going to be rockin' that Tri-athalon, girl!!

  5. You have such a great attitude and I am so glad I'm not the only one who refuses to give her actual weight on the blog. :)

  6. You've definitely got the right attitude to be successful with this weight loss thing! You can do it!!

  7. I love your work out schedule! I wish I could adopt it!!

    Good luck!

  8. I am on my way over to check the challange out right now!!! I have totally fallen off the eat healthy plan since we have not been posting workouts and weight losses... I too have been eating cake, ice-cream, cake, ice-cream.. you get the picture!!!! I think it's safe to say that I'm in!!!

  9. okay, i am off to check out the challenge!


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