

Weigh-In Wednesday

I have one word for this week.


Because as you know, I'm trying to shrink these last 12 pounds with the Sisterhood. And they have a clever little not so mini challenge going on over there which requires participants to do this 30-day shred. And I can tell you that after day one, (which for me was Tuesday) it hurt my arms just to type. I wish I were kidding.

It's been hard for me to get to the gym with all the stuff going on this week, so this DVD is a God send as far as getting in some exercise goes. And if I add this in to the gym, I hope my results after 30 days will be magical.

But it will take a village to get through these 30 days because after day one, I am shredded. And I thought I was in decent shape. Ha!

Now, back on this planet, (I'll be weighing in around 8 a.m. and reporting back).
And by the way, can I mention how hard it is to eat right or even eat at all when you're superbusy? And as I write this I'm starving. Time to refocus and just get through the week.

Loss: +.5. Aww crap. Really? I've actually gained weight since being in this challenge? Seriously. Ok, maybe it's because of the below statement on eating. And I won't lie. I'm stressed this week. Beyond stressed, actually. I'm on mental overload.
Plan for next week: Honestly, I just have to get through the week. Figure out how to fit it all in and that includes eating. Because I have the type of mean metabolism that needs 6 meals to stay revved. Two meals just doesn't cut it. Which reminds me, it's almost 10 and I haven't had breakfast.

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  1. "Refocus"....that should be my mantra this Monday!!!! Stick with it....I am sore and shredding right along side ya!!!

  2. oh, i just won this dvd and have been doing it with my husband along with my regular workouts. it is a very good workout!!!

  3. Gains happen, its going to be ok! Stress can definately cause a gain to happen! You will be fine, use this as a motivational tool!!!! HUGS and you are doing great in my opinion!

  4. i'm sorry :( the good thing is that you know your problem - and how to fix it. now go eat something!!!

  5. Keep shredding and hang in there.Next week you will have amazing results and don't forget your water!!

    We are very proud of you at the sisterhood, keep it up!

  6. Hugs! Thinking of you and your dad and hope everything is okay!

    Keep on shredding -you'll get it off!

  7. You are doing an amazing job!! I, too, am shocked at how difficult the shred is. Right now, as I type this comment, my arms are trying to fall off. They hurt so bad!!!

    Good luck this week. Eat girl, eat. Try not to starve because then you'll just end up eating alot more than you need.

    Hope your stressful weeks are over soon.

  8. Keep it up...the weight will come off! Promise!

  9. Totally forgot what i was gonna say after reading your comment caption!! Totally cracked me up!!

    Anyhooo, keep at it...the weight will go down. Stress and busyness is what keeps us down, just try to work in that Shred DVD and those last pounds will come off! I'm already seeing a difference....not in the scales yet, but in my body!
    So far, I've lost 5 pounds this challenge!


Talk to me, Goose!

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