

Kitchen Experiments #2: Mango Chicken

This is my new favorite thing EVER. This is another recipe I found from SparkPeople because I had mangos and I had chicken but I didn't have half of the other things in the recipe so I tweaked it in Christie fashion. And now I want to make it every day. Except that no one else but me can eat the same thing for days in a row and be perfectly happy. So I won't make it every day. Except that I want to.

So, I give you, the Mango Chicken.

2 mangoes, diced
1 cup mild salsa
1 cup onion, chopped
1 tbsp. dried cilantro
1 tsp. cayenne pepper
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts (I use Purdue pretty much all the time because I like that they're all individually packed and I can freeze or thaw one at a time or a million if I choose)

Brown the chicken in the pan until fully cooked. Add onions. Cook onions until they're soft or clear. Remove chicken briefly but leave the onions (you will add the chicken back later). Add the mangoes, salsa, cilantro, and cayenne pepper to the onions. Cook on medium for about 10 minutes or until all ingredients are hot, not boiling. Add chicken to pan. Serve chicken with mango-salsa dollopped on the top.

This makes four servings. The nutritional info is my favorite part. If you scoop 1/2 cup of the mixture onto a chicken breast it is:

300 Calories!
2.8 Grams of Fat!

If you pair it with yellow rice like me, the meal is 490 calories. Brown rice even less. I got nothing but rave reviews over this one (the 18month old SHOVELED into his mouth!) so let me know if you try it!! Ps. it's not spicy -- the pepper adds a little flavor but that's it.

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Feel free to e-mail me your favorites and if I try it I'll feature it here! (christieo_7 at msn dot com).
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1 comment:

  1. Mmmm! That sounds delicious! I don't think anyone else in my family would eat it, but I might try it on one of those evenings when everyone's fending for oneself. Or perhaps a weekend lunch.

    You could always make a batch and freeze individual portions; that way, you *could* have it on weekdays for lunch without burning everyone else out on it.


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