

The Red Light District

The Red Light District is in my bathroom.

At least 5 times a day, one of the two will go into the bathroom, stand on the stool and turn on the light. The red heat lamp light from the 80's that still resides in my bathroom. You can see which one does it right there.

The other inevitably follows and then there is a chant. Both of them yelling, "Teef! Teef! Teef! Teef!" until I get the toothbrushes out, put the toothpaste on them and then hand them their toofbrushes.

Where they will stand and brush their teef, happily I might add, for as long as I let them.

This would actually go on all day if I let it.

Not that I'm complaining. I am sure this phase will be short-lived and you better know I'm living it up baby!

Yeah, I'm pretty happy. Happy toofbrushers = happy mommy.

Unless it interrupts my blogging, of course. Just kidding. No I'm not. Yes I am! (Gawd!)

Anyhoo, it's a lazy Friday and I'm posting over at the Sisterhood today both here (Fugly Shoes) and here (Fitness Friday), so come on over!
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