

Shrink for Good

Shrink for Good with the Sisterhood!

OK ladies it's time to Shrink for Good! Are you ready??? This is such a great challenge over at the Sisterhood and it starts TODAY! Ready for the details?

-Log your starting weight over here at the Sisterhood.

-Weigh in on Wednesdays.

-Work out. Eat well. Shrink.

-Buy canned veggies or non-perishables in the same amount of weight you lost for that week. For example, 1 pound = 16 ounces. Lose a pound? Buy 16 oz. of non-perishables.

-Hold it. Feel how heavy that is.

-When the challenge is over on October 17th, gather up all those non-perishables you bought and pick it all up and feel it and see for yourself how much you lost!!!! Then donate it all to a local food bank. That will be just ahead of Thanksgiving and a time of year all food pantries are specifically hurting, so it's a win-win for EVERYONE!!!! In't that special!

This is all in conjunction with Weight Watchers' Lose for Good campaign, but you do not have to do Weight Watchers in order to be involved. You just need to weigh in with us and lose weight.

My personal quest is to lose 10 pounds. I just joined Weight Watchers and it gave me a mini-goal of 7. I have been good about my workouts, and not so good about my eating, so I really need some help and some accountability here! I need to stay on track this time! I want to be ripped one day! Let's do this, sisters!!!

Also, if you haven't been over there, there are two giveaways going on: HERE and HERE!

So head on over! Let's start shrinking for good!
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