

Weigh-in Wednesday Week 1

Shrink for Good with the Sisterhood!

It's the very first weigh-in at the new challenge, Shrink for Good over at the Sisterhood! I don't even know where to start! I'll start here:

That's what two pounds of non-perishables look like. And if you're wondering why I took that picture, it means you haven't joined the challenge so go on over and join, there's still time! I'll wait.

OK, so I lost two pounds this week! Two! And now, two pounds of food into my food-pantry-bank for the food bank (everything I lose, I match in nonperishables and donate to a food bank in October, that's the Shrink for Good/Lose for Good way!) Also I joined Weight Watchers hoping it would give me that little boost I needed to drop this last 10 here and looky loo! Two are gone! Fluke? We'll see next week! A little more on the weigh-in stuff plus some giveaway info over at the Sisterhood today! Happy Wednesday!

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