

Weigh-in Wednesday: Pink Robe Pushup Version

Shrink for Good with the Sisterhood!

Good morning! It's a beautiful day for a weigh-in! I am excited to report a loss this week of 1 pound, which brings my total for the challenge to 7 pounds! CAN YOU FREAKIN BELIEVE THAT.


I am over the top!!!! This is probably the most weight I've lost during a challenge since I used to hold my own here at this blog in '08. I didn't realize it, but it is also the goal I set for Weight Watchers!!! I had to go in and change it! Woooooo!

I didn't count my points last week coming out of week of fluishness, but I did work hard. I did an open water swim and a bike on Sunday, almost an hour of weights on Monday (I am still sore) and spin followed by a run yesterday. Followed with watching the Biggest Loser and the Sisterhood Tweeparty where we Tweeted while we watched the show and did challenges, like squat holds and jump squats and pushups during the commercial breaks as evidenced and promised by the following photo.


There she is, the pink robe. Usually I am straight from the gym on Tuesday nights and freshly showered for the Biggest Loser, so the pink robe comes out and my husband sits in the chair next to me while I do these things and makes comments like, "You look ridiculous," and "Oh my," and "What in the bloody hell..."

It's all very funny and he sounds like one of the old guy Muppets in the balcony but honestly the last time we did this he joined in on the pushups so whatever! Anyway, occasionally I embarrass even myself, and that includes posting a picture of myself doing a pushup in the pink robe like today. Edited to note that I am not embarrassed about pink robe photo. I forget sometimes that I do these things, and really, that's just me. I am unapologetically myself.

So there.

Just so you know, the pink robe looks 100% more ridiculous while I'm doing a squat hold in it, and I wasn't about to leave you with that mental image.

How did you do????? Do share!! You know we're almost done here??? I can't believe we're almost done with this challenge! And don't forget to weigh in today at the Sisterhood and go visit the other sisters!!
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