

Thankfully Turkey Trotting

Thanksgiving Day was a beautiful day for a Turkey Trot. A balmy 60-something degrees and 15,000 participants.

These are my mens. My husband and my pops. My two favorite mens in the world. I'm so proud of them.

They came, they saw, they conquered.

Both beating their personal bests. My dad's 5k just over 35 minutes and would you believe I missed him coming across the finish line?

I know. A failure as a daughter.
I carved out a spot along the ropes at the finish line, was ready with my camera in hand (I have never stood at a finish line so long so I had no idea how many pukers there were at the finish line! I had to constantly turn my head to avoid seeing the pukers! Did you know that?? I didn't either!) It must've been when my head was turned from a puker that I missed my dad, who crossed just around 35 minutes. It became about an hour and I was still standing there with no daddy in sight and at that point I'm seriously worrying that maybe something happened, I mean, it's been an hour! And then my imagination went wild and my phone was dead so I wouldn't have gotten a call and now at this point I'm picturing him in the back of an ambulance or something...

So my husband called him. My dad had wrapped it up forever ago and already went and got his shirt and his waters. Boy do I suck. But my dad ROCKS! Yay, Daddy!!!!!

Then, as if I couldn't be prouder, my husband finished his 10k just under an hour!!! Under an hour!!! We ran it together and when we saw we were at mile four at just under 40 minutes, we had this amazing realization that we could really do this in under an hour and when we did this last year we had done it in an hour and 12 minutes and we thought out loud, "Holy Crap, we can REALLY do this in under an hour!" So we picked it up and hauled and he got a little faster than I could because my legs turned to concrete stumps and I was trying real hard but he was faster and he was on this amazing mission and I didn't mind being left in his dust at all because he did it! He's living the dream! An under an hour 10k! Yay husband, yayyyy!!!!

I came in less than a minute later, at 1:00:45. Still a personal best for me! Shaving about 11 minutes off of last year's Turkey Trot! Boy, we've come a long way.
And then we went home and had turkey. It was a good day.

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