

Weigh-In Wednesday

Good morning everyone!

Short and sweet today because I was so trying to be ahead of the game and it's catching up to me, (how did that happen!) Running running everywhere even when I think I'm all done!

Well today is baking day. You know what that means. But I'll only have a few cookies. (And maybe some batter.) But I'll be getting up early to run it off tomorrow morning, especially because I'll be at my mom's sans children and just because I can!

Oooh ooh! And my sister and brother-in-law are coming down from North Carolina with my little baby niece Goddaughter (I JUST LOVE HER SO MUCH!!) DSC00451

I have all boys in my life so you know I bought her three pairs of shoes and two dresses, and wanted to buy more . Plus, my sister is the type of sister that when we're together, no one else is in the room and we're snorting and cackling and hysterically laughing while not being able to breathe.

Oh, yes, my point though is that my brother-in-law is bringing his bike with him, so I hope to get some holiday bike riding in with him, my husband and my dad.

Anyhoo, the weigh-in part! The good news is, I've lost that 1/2 pound that was there last week. I did do some working out last week, I did a couple swims, spin class and a run. Not as much as I wanted, but enough to maintain, so score! This week has been more of a challenge, but I'm squeezing it in where I can.

I don't care what anyone says, I count 5 hours of walking around the mall and holding 30 pounds of toddler for an hour while waiting for Santa as exercise.

There is a new challenge starting in time for the new year at the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans. Please join us!! I lost 40 pounds with the support of my bloggy sisters!! If you are looking to lose some weight and have support of your fellow bloggers, please join us. Here is a sneak peek of the challenge: it's not only about losing weight. It's about changing your mind. Join the revolution!

Before I go, come say hi to me where I am talking about Defining Moments during workouts. And our darling MizFit is having a talent show, did you know that? I'm going try my best to link up my "talent" for Christmas Eve tomorrow. Once I figure out what it is. (Does changing a diaper in less than 10 seconds count for talent?) While you're out and about, how bout giving some of the sisters at the Sisterhood a little support on the weightloss journey through the holidays? Hope you're having a wonderful week! Don't forget to stop and smell the poinsettias!
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