

Weigh-In Wednesday at the Sisterhood

Rethink Your Shrink!

Good morning! It's a beautiful day for a weigh-in don't you think?? It's week one of the "Rethink Your Shrink" challenge at The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans! (Have you joined yet? It's never too late!) We are literally changing from the inside out. Each week there is a project, and the projects help us define ourselves, reward ourselves, but most of all, put us on the path toward loving ourselves.

I had a great first week of the New Year. Well, all except for the stomach virus thing we all had. I'm going to pretend that that's NOT how the rest of 2010 will be for me.

Anyhoo, sadly, stomach viruses are always pretty good when it comes to weight loss. I'd like to think that it was because of all the work I did, though. No fast food, my treats were of the Skinny Cow variety, and lots and lots of working out. My hamstrings are still on fire from a Body Pump class I took on Monday night (not to mention the last chance Biggest Loser workout April put us through on Twitter during commercials last night!)

Anyway, grand total: -2.5.

Sweet! I'll take it.

I am sure that some of last week's "cleansing" aided this process, but who am I to scoff?

Go weigh in at The Sisterhood! Then go visit all the sisters, we all need support! Plus who doesn't love a comment?? Happy New Year everyone!
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