

My Husband Likes Me Better Than Angelina

He told me so. I like him.

I don't really want to know if he means it or not. All I know is that when I told him about the crazy fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team In Training that I am planning and how the woman I was working with on it seemed interested, he said the following:

"Hot mama and a humanitarian…you are like Angelina without the lips and the fakies…"

And then he said something like "Daddy like.." but I'm pretty sure my parents read this so I'll stop right there.
* * *

Please help me fight cancer by donating HERE. I'll even give you a present! Check it out and read about who I'm running for HERE!
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  1. Funny! My husband would definitely make a comment like this. He frequently says and does "inappropriate" things that in some ways are funny... other ways very annoying. Unfortunately, I can't really share the stories of what my husband says and does on my blog because my mother-in-law, my husband's aunt, my grandma, and my parents read my blog. Limits some of my topic ideas... I would not feel comfortable (for instance) discussing our sex life on my blog. That would be SO awkward!

  2. lol!! :P

    ps - i voted for fake tattoo because i was afraid it was getting sad and lonely w/o any votes

  3. Is the "Talk to me, Goose" from Top Gun? If it is I love it. If it isn't, I still love it!

    This is a great post. I'm totally stealing the word "fakies".

    I see you are raising funds to fight cancer. Yesterday I did up a post about "Cards 4 Cancer" are you familiar with it?


Talk to me, Goose!

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