

Raffle Winner and More About My Crazy Stunt

I cannot even believe that you all have helped me raise almost $650 already!!!! I am so overwhelmed and amazed!!

Thank you SO.MUCH!

I told you that I have a crazy fundraiser planned and I am finally going to unveil it here. On March, 27th, I am going to run on a treadmill. IN MY MALL. For all to see. Complete with velvet rope. For hours upon hours. From the time the mall opens, until it closes, or until I meet my fundraising goal, whichever comes first. I will be vlogging it. I will be blogging it. I will be Facebooking it. I will be Tweeting it. Because I will need A LOT of distractions to help me through this one!!!

The wonderful people at Westfield Mall are allowing me run and I will be holding raffles the whole time also so there will be prizes! Woot! I am so excited and nervous about embarrassing myself in this manner. !!

I know that most of you are not in Florida and that is ok, but please watch out in one month for all my Tweets and updates as I will need your blogging-tweeting love whilst this is going on to keep me going.

Also, if you haven't noticed the poll up in my top left sidebar, I'm letting YOU vote for what I shall do on race day. So please vote! I think tutu and tattoo are tied! How's that for some alliteration..

Without further adieu, the winner of the $50 giftcard raffle is: PUBSGAL! Isn't she going to be excited! You have a choice of Barnes and Noble and/or Dick's Sporting Goods, so let me know! I'll send you an email shortly.

Won't you consider helping me fight cancer by donating HERE? I'll even give you a present! Check out the necklaces you get and read about who I'm running for HERE!
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  1. woot!!! that'll be exciting - do you have a phone that you can use to tweet while on the treadmill?

    and congrats to pubsgal :)

  2. I still am in awe of your stunt. Fabulous!

  3. Woo hoo!!! Thanks, Christie!!! And good luck with your treadmill fundraiser.

  4. seriously, I can't believe you made that happen!! That's AMAZING!

  5. What an awesome idea! I can't get over how BRAVE you are!! And dedicated! And, ummm, maybe insane? the 27th. I've got it on my calendar. And I will be back to help you get to that goal so hopefully you won't have to run all day long!!


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