

The 21 Day Challenge

Sisterhood 21-Days Challenge

I'd really rather not weigh in today, if it's all the same to you.

Because it's a post-tri weigh-in, and of course, I'm up 1.5 pounds because that's what I do. OK so I guess that by telling you that, I've actually weighed in, so there. It's out of the way. Done.

At the Sisterhood, we're starting a new challenge today. And I urge you to try it with me!!! We're picking a healthy habit or two and we're doing it for 21 days -- ya know, to try and make it stick as a habit! Because you can do anything for 21 days, right? I mean, it's just 3 weeks! It's not even a month! It's like 5 minutes, really....

I was trying to figure out what I'd do and it just came back in my head over and over again, the thing I want to do is get serious. And by that, I mean, I just finished my first Olympic distance tri, I just got my haircut, and now that I have serious hair, I want to buckle down. And I just got off the phone with my personal consultant (my best friend) and she talked me into it, further solidifying my stance. For 21 days, I'm going to eat clean. That means, no sweets (or nearly none) and no takeout, fast food or restaurant crap. It also means no alcohol, but I was already doing that, so I can just continue to do that.

Why? Because I'm on the last little bit of body fat and when you're at the last little bit, every single calorie and food choice counts. I was on the fence about doing this because of my current food obsession which is Taco Tuesdaze at Tijuana Flats, I am so in love with their beef tacos and sweet chili sauce (Gawd, I can just taste it now, so sweet, so spicy, sooo yummy!) but my dear friend and consultant reminded me that it would only be THREE Taco Tuesdays that I would have to give up in this challenge, and honestly, the placement of Taco Tuesday is so unfortunate in the first place because weigh-in day is WEDNESDAY so why can't they change it to Taco Thursday is what I want to know, so 3 Taco Tuesdaze is no freakin big deal. So I don't eat the tacos for 3 weeks! Like that's gonna kill me??? It might. But I won't think about it. So,  good, clean food for 21 days. No alcohol. And continuing on my half-marathon/triathlon training schedule. That's the plan. Which means I will have nothing to confess for 21 days.

What will you do? You can do anything! You can try to hit 10,000 steps every day! You can add a daily vegetable! The world is your oyster! Try something, anything! Join us for 21 days starting today!!!!!!!! And then go check in and comment about it HERE.  It's sooo worth it. You don't even have to have a blog, you can just check in every Wednesday in the comments at the Sisterhood. Or if you have a blog, you can blog about it and link up in the comments so we can all come around and cheer you on. Come join me for 21 days!!! Won't you??

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