

Om Nom Nom

I have a Bondi Band obsession! That's one of my favorite Bondi Bands right there because there's no better way to make fun of myself and my (former) fear of open water swimming than wearing a shark that wants to eat me and thinks I'm tasty! (Scuse the makeup marks, I wear it all the time. Yes, you'd think I'd have cleaned it for its debut on the internet, but I'm too lazy for that.)

What?! You don't know what a Bondi Band is???? I am showing off the rest of my collection and screaming about my love for Bondi Bands from the top of the rooftops over at the Sisterhood today and we're giving one away, too! I'm so excited! So you must go to there! And get your shot at it!

Well, we're off to Toy Story 3 today for family movie time! Did you see it? How did you like it? Hope you have a great day!

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