

I'd Like to Tell This Girl a Thing or Two...

It has been just over 2 years since I began my weight-loss journey.

It still feels like yesterday.

I cannot believe that as I sit here, I have finally kept the weight off. After all of those millions of times of saying "This is going to be it, I SWEAR!" It finally is.

I was going through all my old "race reports" that I have posted here and I had to share my very first one ever. The one that started this whole crazy thing. The story of my first 5k.

OK, no it wasn't that bad. The 5K actually went pretty well! It was the first longish run where I didn't want to die at the end. That's progress, right?

I woke up and had "nervous stomach" which my sister knows what that means because she gets "nervous stomach" too.

I had a cup of coffee. A glass of water. Fed Mini. Had a protein bar. Peed a lot for fear of having to go somewhere along the 3 miles and being stuck. Got dressed. Headed out the door with my dad, my husband and Poops in tow.

And besides my tank top rolling up on me the whole way, it went pretty smoothly. I kept the same pace most of the way. I was a little apprehensive about my husband running with me; he hasn't run at all over the past 9 weeks like I have and I was going to be annoyed if I ended up keeping his pace instead of mine or if he did better than me running this cold turkey. But he kind of stayed behind me and to the side a little and I was able to effectively ignore him and instead I felt like I had my own secret service agent.

We came it at 37:13.

I wanted to do it in 36 minutes (actually I really wanted to do it in 30 -- but I tend to dream a little too big. My argument for that is that it keeps me reaching. My husband says I set myself up for failure. Who knows.) But my actual time was close to my more realistic goal. Just the fact that I came in under 45 minutes (or an hour for that matter) makes me happy enough for now. In fact, the last 5K I did when I was in much better shape and two kids ago in Utah was 36:40. I blame that time on the high altitude. Why not. So I do a 12ish minute mile. Sue me.

There we are, toasting to our finish! Cheers! Now...what to do next...

Oh if only she knew...

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