

Mantra Monday: Just Do It.

We won't call it a rerun, we'll call it a classic. So thanks, Nike for the classic. Because I'm using your mantra this week. This is a really really busy week for me. First, next Sunday is Easter and also happens to be Poops official 3rd birthday! So we're having an Easter brunch-birthday combo platter on Sunday and I'll be preparing for that. I love to do things like place-settings and centerpieces and brunch is my absolute FAVORITE to plan a gathering around. So I'm usually pretty busy when there's a gathering like this abound...

His kid-party is the following weekend and I guess I'm inviting his whole class because he has gotten a zillion party invitations from his class and I guess that's what you do when you get to school? I don't really know the etiquette, that's a whole nother post for a whole nother day... (if you have any insight feel free...)

Then, my best friend in the whole world is coming into town on Tuesday with my little tiny Godson! Yayyyyyyyyyy!!!

Meantime, remember what time of year it is??? It is March of Dimes -- March for Babies time!! (Did you see the little donation button that magically appeared on my sidebar? If you feel so inclined to sponsor me... I'm just sayin. But I am planning a March of Dimes extravaganza here on my blog over the next week or so too, so make sure you pop in for that.) Anyway, I am a part of a wonderful preemie moms group and we are throwing a giant fundraiser party and here's what it is:
Doesn't that look like fun?? If you're in Florida on the 16th, feel free to stop by!! I'm excited!! But before then, there's the press releases (a tv station will be there!) and the flyers and the sponsor-getting (know any of these? I do think Sam Ash may be donating a guitar! Woot!) So I'm just a little stressed about all the details. Parties parties parties!!!

Anyway, and this is it. I have a softball game tonight and gosh darnit, I gotta get a hit. I have a .000 batting average right now. If one would combine this season and last it wouldn't be much higher than that. Oh, it's awful. I don't know what has happened. So I am saying, self: JUST DO IT already. Happy Monday! Here's to another week!

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Mantra Monday for a cup of zen.

Mantra Monday

1 comment:

  1. Busy times! But sounds like fun. How did the softball game go? And yes, a great mantra, so worth repeating!


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