

Mantra Monday: Paying It Forward

Mantra Monday

Annnnd, it's back to our regularly scheduled programming! Happy Monday everyone!

So, $2,700.

I just had to start with that. The grand total! That's how much our preemie mom's group raised for the March for Babies between our individual fundraising and the Guitar Hero fundraiser.

How awesome is that!!

I'm so excited and I want to thank everyone here who has helped us, thank you!!

Isn't this an amazing picture??

I loved being a part of this as I do every year. And when I was in this crowd, until I saw this picture, I had no idea there were this many people! Times that by all the walks going on across the U.S. and that's a lot of money, support, and love for the March of Dimes!

We walked the whole 5 miles with babies in tow. Mini fell asleep about halfway through and Poops made it the whole way.

And there were some tearful moments as we reminisced, but this walk is about paying it forward now. Hoping that the money raised for the March of Dimes will contribute to research that will one day help all babies to be born full-term and healthy.
* * *
Please pray for Kaleigh Anne Freeman, a preemie I've been reading about for quite some time, she's taken a turn for the worse and things are not looking good. Her family is in desperate need of prayers, so please head over there and offer some words of support.
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1 comment:

  1. Way to go! I always did the MoD walkathon when I was a kid, and I've been looking out for something here locally.


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