

Recipe O' the Week: The Bean and Rice Burrito

I'm making a desperate attempt to revive my recipe repertoire here so I'm looking everywhere and anywhere to try and find yummy ideas for healthy dishes. Things are just getting old with the family. I've found a few new things that I have fallen in love with and have gotten rave reviews from the family, whic includes a not-very-picky husband, a somewhat picky 3 year old and a will-eat-anything one-year-old. And even though I'm kind of mean with the whole, "You'll eat what I make" philosophy, I am nice enough to take cues from the family on what recipe's a keeper and what's not. Trust me, I won't repeat a recipe that makes them gag. And I save my favorites that no one else likes (rice and ketchup or my Spaetzle, that no one seems to think is as spectacular as I do, for special occasions of just me.)

So here is one of my newest favorites ever! It's so simple and so easy and boy was it DEELISH.
It's a simple bean and rice burrito. My kids tore this UP. I based it loosely on a recipe I saw on SparkPeople, but no recipe is safe from my changes. If cooking were like American Idol and Paula was one of the judges, she'd say, "Girl, you took a bean and rice burrito recipe and you MADE IT YOUR OWN! Good job!" And then Simon would say, "I think it was a little over the top and theatrical..."

Anyhoo, ingredients:

2 Red Peppers, diced
2 cups Instant Brown Rice (Publix brand for us!)
1 8 oz. can black beans
1 cup lowfat cheese
4 whole wheat tortillas
1 raw onion, diced
1 cup salsa

Cook the brown rice and black beans as directed. Then, spoon 1/4 cup rice into the tortilla, followed by 1/4 cup beans, 1/4 cup cheese, then sprinkle the veggies on, top it all with salsa and then good luck getting that baby rolled up! Makes about 4 burritos but you could probably get a couple more out of it if you put less in each burrito. I love this recipe. It's so simple, filling and it's got the protein, the carbs and the whole grains wrapped up in a perfect combo platter.


Anyway, nutritional info is as follows: 329 Calories, 10 grams of fat.


So there you go. I also tried a new recipe tonight that I will share next week, it was AMAZING! Something to do with mangoes and chicken. YUM! Maybe I'll get it together and take some pictures in the future.

I might as well make this a regular thing! PS. Got a great low-fat and low-cal recipe you wanna share? E-mail me at christieo_7 at msn dot com and I'll feature it, after I try it first!!
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  1. I do not have any recipes to share but I 'll be sure to stop back for recipes you have tried. My problem is not the cooking... it's going to the store to get everything. If you have any secrets to how you take the baby to and fro and then unpack while keeping them happy and occupied, let me know!!!

  2. Sounds yummy...and easy. I do have lots to's just finding the time to put them in an on the lookout, though. *wink*

    Thanks for sharing...I LUV finding new (and healthy) recipes, especially those that have been tried and enjoyed by the kids.

  3. Not a recipe, exactly, more of a mash-up: heat one serving of refried beans. Put it in your serving dish. Next, mix in 1-2 laughing cow lite cheese wedges; the garlic & herb ones work well, although the Swiss cheese ones work well, too. The trick is to make sure the cheese doesn't fully melt in, you want little bits of it. Makes a nice light lunch, or very filling side dish to a light dinner.

  4. thanks for this one - I am looking for protein heavy dishes since I am obviously a carb-o-holic when I think about some of my quick meals. I will try one of these today for lunch!


Talk to me, Goose!

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