

Weigh-In Wednesday

Hi teammates and sisters...

I have no change to report this week. I am glad I'm not adding weight to the pot, but I am unhappy with myself and my disappointing performance of the past week. It is clear now where I have to focus and it is my glaring, terrible weakness: the weekend.

The restaurants, the going out, the caution being thrown to the wind, the devil in the form of the chocolate martini....

So now that I've pinpointed the problem, I fully intend on reporting a success at next week's weigh-in.

We are just a mere four weeks out from the triathlon and I've been logging my workouts here. This week has been a good one so far. My new bike is being acquired this weekend. And my husband and I just signed up for a second triathlon to be completed the week of my birthday in September so that'll be a 34th Happy Birthday to me!! I was getting worried about having no goal after this one, so well, worry no more!!

Can't wait to see how everyone did this week!
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  1. I know weekends can be so hard. Its almost like I feel like I've been good all week so I can splurge on the weekends, ugh.

    I think you are doing great on your triathlon training, keep up the great work!

  2. I had no change as well. And I too have been drinking my fair share on the weekends. I haven't had much to drink since having the baby but for some reason I have kicked it into full gear this summer all ready?? I have no idea why and because of the extra calories I have not be able to loss weight. I need to obstain from drinking... we will see if I can do that once I open my pool! Sheesh....

  3. cutting out my weekend cheat days were the hardest

  4. Sometimes I wish there were no weekends. They're tough for me too!

    I'm so proud of you for training for the triathalon, AND signing up for another! WAY TO GO!

    My 34th birthday is in September, too :)

  5. The weekend is the downfall of us all!

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  6. Oh I'm good at pinpointing my weaknesses! But they just seem to keep multiplying the faster I attack them... Best wishes this week!

  7. I'm totally there with you. No gain, no loss. And what makes matters worse, my birthday is THIS WEEK. I'm eating cake. Carrot to be exact. I need to think about this, because did I mention, I'm eating cake. ;o)

    And have I told you lately that you are a ROCK STAR for training for a triathlon. Just sayin'.


Talk to me, Goose!

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