

Weigh-In Wednesday

Hello sisters! Time for our weekly weigh-in at the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans! (which for me will happen around 8 a.m. and I will report back after that. )

Weight loss: 1 lb
Goal for next week: Yay! Yay! Yay! A little more weights, a little better at the restaurants.

OK so it was a bit of a tough weekend in the eating department. We went away for the weekend to visit my best friend and her family and I had a couple meal indescretions. Despite my plan to, well, not.


I would say that if it were a math equation, I would have eaten well 85% of the time. But there were a few meals (2 in particular) in which it was impossible to count calories and so I didn't. So my Spark People graph is all over the place for the week.

But I did get a pretty good run in while I was up there and I had a swim/slash/run on the Thursday before we left. Which wasn't that great (I had to stop because my chest was on fire. And now I'm pretty worried about how Sunday will go. You know, that whole triathlon thing.) Yeah, it's Sunday. So when we meet again next week, it will be over. I will stop obsessing over it Sunday around 11 (when it will be over) so I apologize in advance for all the talk about it. I'm nervous. And I talk when I'm nervous. But I'm trying to spend the week thinking of baking banana bread.

How did you do this week??????? Go Team Gold!!!
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  1. You must be doing something right! That scale is going in the right direction.

    I bet your meals with "indiscretions" aren't as bad as they used to be, just not as good as you'd like them to be.

    Way to go!

  2. congrats on the 1# i'm sure you'll do great this weekend!! you're excitement in combination with all your hard training will propel you to the finish!! :D

  3. Good job, Christie!!

    You are going to kick some major ass at your triathlon this weekend! I can't wait to hear all about it!

    AND- I LOVE the necklace!!! Thank you!

  4. Yay for your 1 pound!
    Keep up the good work!

  5. Great article and the Shrinking Sisterhood. I have a beef with how expensive gyms are. It sucks. So here I am, trying to work out to videos and workout in the ungodly humid Iowa weather. I have a beef with gyms. It's total sabotage!!

  6. Good job on the loss! Tracking really does work even with a bad meal or two. Thats why I don't feel bad not counting on Saturdays. :) Keep it up!!

  7. It sounds like to me that you did fabulous!!

    Good luck Sunday! You are seriously my hero for doing a triathlon!!!

  8. You are such an inspiration for doing the triathlon! Thank you for that!

  9. Congrats on the loss! That's awesome for having 2 high calorie meals...must have worked for you! Hmmmm...banana bread sounds yummy! Good luck on the triathalon....that's amazing!!!


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