

What Six Pounds Looks Like

Shrink for Good with the Sisterhood!

After a week of non-scale victories (triathlon, swimming in disgusting water in which I was not consumed by sealife, and dropping a size), I'm happy to report a scale victory!

Last week I just went with the flow because it turns out I gain weight after triathlons. I've done this twice now and now I know that triathlon week is not a good weigh-in week for me. Last week I gained 1.5 pounds, only to lose it the very next day but after weigh-in of course so it didn't count. But (talk about cup half full) it also turns out that I have a very extra special week the week after. Like this week, when I lost that annoying 1.5 pounds, plus another 2! Yipppeeeee!

So I'm down 3.5 since last weigh-in, which is actually 6 so far for the challenge, and it looks like this (get a look at my cans!): And also like this:

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans

My very first official milestone badge! I haven't hit a milestone in MONTHS!

Can I also just say that I am really loving the Weight Watchers system? I have still been able to eat take-out Thai, Dunkin Donuts, possibly some candy corn , and Einsteins bagels.

Among the crazy amount of veggies I've been interjecting in between of course, but still, I have not given anything up.

Which makes me very happy.

So how did you do this week?? Don't forget to visit the Sisterhood to weigh-in (you can join the challenge any time and it's all for a good cause) but especially don't forget to go visit the other sisters! It's all about the support!!!
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