

Fall Favorites: Easy Pumpkin Chip Pancakes & Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie

Yay! It's Halloween! Happy Halloween everyone! Here are a couple of recipes I made this week. Seriously, some pumpkin love don't get much easier than this!

My whole family loves everything pumpkin. Thank goodness, because I heart pumpkin. So I'm gonna share some of my favorite pumpkin recipes over the next few weekends.

These first two are to.die.for. and I just made them this week (not in the same meal though) so they're fresh in my pumpkin repertoire.

Pumpkin chip pancakes


Pancake mix (use directions for the 12-18 servings and yes, pancake mix, I'm that creative)
1 cup canned pumpkin
1 tsp pumpkin spice
1 cup chocolate chips

Make pancake mix according to directions, then add pumpkin, pumpkin spice and chocolate chips. I used metal cookie cutters and cut out tombstone, skull and cat shapes. But these were deelish! And supereasy.

Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie

(This recipe was from my best friend, Clairanne, who discovered it on National Geographic Kids here. We just made a couple changes.

1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp salt
dash nutmeg
dash cloves
12 miniature graham cracker shells
whipped cream (optional)

Allow ice cream to soften in fridge or on counter for about 20 minutes. Mix pumpkin, sugar and spices in a bowl. Add softened ice cream and stir. Spoon ice cream into each little pie crust, each one takes about 1 1/2 large spoonfuls. Put finished pies on a cookie sheet and put in freezer. Allow about 3-4 hours for ice cream to freeze. Serve with dollop of whipped cream.

My kids LOVED this and I served it at a Halloween party this week. I'm also making this tonight for my parents and probably again at Thanksgiving. The ice cream tastes AMAZING! This is the awesomest.

Happy Halloweenie everyone!! Who's dressing up?? Bookmark and Share
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