

Look What You Did!

I had a little Halloween party with the moms from my preemie moms group at my house Thursday (I was Batgirl) and look what showed up on my doorstep! How fitting!!


Those are preemie and newborn outfits, wipes, and photo albums from Jessi and Pubsgal! I HEART YOU GUYS! You have no idea what this means to me. And I'm also going to head out this weekend to get even more supplies with donations we've received! Thank you so so much for donating, truly, you have melted my heart!!

What I'm doing if you don't know: my preemie moms group is throwing baby showers for the families who have babies in the NICUs, offering them a time-out from the chaos and celebrating their new arrivals with them. Many did not get a chance to have their babyshowers because their babies came too early. So that's what we're doing! We have 250 bags to pack! We're packing up the bags on Sunday so if you would like to donate to this wonderful cause there's a button right up there on my sidebar (to the right) and I'm shopping for preemie stuff and other items for the bags this weekend!

Thank you again to all who have donated so far, you are truly a blessing to me and these families.
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