

Tri-Eve and a pending Vlog

All week I was excited but today my hands are numb and what do you know, I'm actually nervous.


(ok. it's out. all better.)

Tomorrow's tri day. The last one of the season. And I'm a party of one.

The husband and kids can't go. There's soccer.

Thankfully, I will be riding with a girl from my tri-group so I won't truly be rolling up on my own and competing on my own and packing up and going home on my own. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but when you have all sorts of people cheering other people on it can feel a little lonely to not have someone there cheering you on. But I will have myself! And that does count for something.

In the last one I did, the swim was canceled and I am hopeful that tomorrow the swim will stay on despite my reading that it's stingray mating season and there are a record number of stings this year and note to self about being careful about reading certain message boards before future triathlons.

And I practiced vlogging yesterday (yes, I actually practiced!) so that I can post a vlog today, my very first one! In my practice I have come to find that a certain gray shirt I was wearing yesterday was not flattering for the camera and that I have a good and a marginal side of my face.

All very pertinent research.

Also, I've learned that I look more like a robot when I'm on camera acting like "all business" than when I am acting like myself and somewhat animated. So I will try not to be all business and try to be myself but when that "record" button is pushed, it's like something happens and my animation turns off. I'll try to ignore.

So after I pick out something a little more flattering and make sure I'm looking at the camera on my good side, I'll record and post.

Meantime, I was over at the Sisterhood this week talking about redefining yourself, so please head over and check it out. See you later! Or rather, you'll see me later!

* * *
Ps. Photo Contest going on! Let's get to know each other and our finer moments!! READ: Don't make me feel all alone in putting out my hospital picture to the world!

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