

Mantra Monday: It's Time to Regroup

Mantra Monday

We had a blast but I'm breathing a sigh of relief that the holiday rush part of the holidays are over. Seriously.

My feet hurt and I got no sleep the entire week. And even though I had a lot of shopping done early, I was still running around like a madwoman last minute. Funny how that happens. I did, however, keep my goal of no wrapping gifts on Christmas Eve (usually I am up until 2 in the morning wrapping). Even though I went to bed around 2 anyway because I was doing other things.

So now that there are empty cookie dishes and leftovers and present carnage everywhere, it's time to regroup.

I have to clean up my life.

Organize it, clean it, give it a major overhaul physically, mentally and internally. One big purge and regroup.

From toys to food, everything has got to be reevaluated, all of it. Even my roots. Literally, there is nothing in my life that doesn't need touchup.

My life feels like one giant hangover.

So I'm starting today. So I can feel clean and new and happy and all regrouped for the start of a fresh new year.

How about you? Any regrouping going on over there? Join me on Mondays for "Mantra Monday", share your mantra and start the week off right! Post about it and link up in the comments so I can come visit you, or share it right here!
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