

Mantra Monday: Be Comfortable With Good Change

Mantra Monday

I've done a few really cool/slash/really scary things this week and I'm really trying to be comfortable with it. First of all, yes, I'm still sick. I really don't get it, I have this perma-tickle in my throat and a hack that just won't quit. You're welcome. And because normally I don't workout when things move down to my chest, I sidelined myself until Friday but I couldn't sit on the couch any longer so I went on a 20 mile bike ride on Saturday and an 11 mile ride on Sunday.

They were awesome.

I hacked up a lung, but it was totally worth it.

Saturday after my ride, I got out of the house for a little bit. I needed to do a few things.

I needed some new pj's. Because my current stash is all too big (hurrah!)

I also bought a belt. I have never since my high school years owned a belt. I always thought if you were wearing a belt to be stylish, then probably your belly shouldn't hang over it. Which mine did. Or would've if I owned one. But my belly doesn't do that anymore. And now I have a belt. (Squee!) And wow! It really does work at holding up pants! Go figure.

The next thing I did made me very uncomfortable.

I brought my wedding band in to get resized. Smaller. Now this one scared me. As it is right now, I can't wear it because it falls off. However, getting it resized means making a commitment to stay my current size, or else to not fit my wedding ring. Back on the positive side, when it comes back, it will be smaller than on my wedding day. Back on the negative side: I will have to stay this way or not only not fit my wedding ring, but admit defeat and have it resized to larger. Nightmare!!! I have put off getting my wedding band resized for months now because of this. Because sometimes I wonder if, as in all previous weightloss quests, this one will be short-lived. I hope it's not. But what if? And so I'm wearing a cheapy ring that I can wear while I swim. But it's not pretty. And it's not mine. And it's certainly not the one that my husband put on my finger just before he said, "I do." And since we're about to celebrate our 5th anniversary and all...

Yes, I'm afraid of a lot of things and this time I'm afraid of getting a larger finger. I really really love change, but sometimes certain types of "change" are the kind that seem too good to be true. You think they might be fleeting. (Like finding out you're a Power Ball winner. Which I'm not. But I'm pretty sure I'd be scared to death of that too, if I were!)

So, I bit the bullet and I sent it in. I will have it back on Saturday and (smaller fingers crossed) I won't have to resize it up. I am making that commitment right now. Again.

Because milestones happen every day and I'm gonna enjoy these ones. And I'm going to work on being comfortable with change of the good kind.

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1 comment:

  1. i think that's a great choice. now if you start to gain (which you won't) instead of thinking "i need new pants" it'll be more of a motivation for you to start losing again!! :)


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