

Giving and Fighting, all in one post!

Do you want a present? (I'm ok with bribery in some situations...)

You see, I make necklaces. They have inspiring or funny messages on them and I wear mine every day. Some days I wear "Focus," other days I wear "Discipline." Yes. They actually do help. They've become my weigh-loss and training lifeline.

And then sometimes (like now) when I need to stop taking myself so seriously, I wear my favorite, "I Need More Cowbell."


They are all around 16'' in length (to fit a little looser than a choker) and some are made with a leather cord and others are made with a satin cord.

I am training hard for a 1/2 marathon for Team In Training with my girls from the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans as part of Team Shrink we're raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

I am a long way from my goal. But you can help me. For every donation $20 and above, I will send you a necklace of your choice. Yes, just for donating, I will send you a present and token of my appreciation!
Because I love you. I can say that because I really do mean it.

You can have the message that you want and the cord style that you want. I have multiple of the above to choose from and all you'll have to do is specify which necklace and let me know whether you want leather or satin. The leather wears well, I swim in it and shower (sometimes twice) a day in it and it lasts forever.

For every donation between $10-$19, you'll get my favorite inspiring bracelet that says, "Strength, Focus, Discipline."

And on top of that, if you donate, no matter how much, you will be entered into a raffle for a $50 giftcard to either Dick's Sporting Goods or Barnes and Noble-your choice!

I will draw the winner's name when I hit my first $500.
Yes, I am taking this race for the cure very seriously. I am running for Rose, an old friend and roommate who I lived and worked with when I lived in New York. We took on the big city together.
In 2007, she was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in when doctors found a tumor in her chest.

Her little boy is almost my son's age. Just thinking about having to battle cancer and fighting for my life just so I can be around to watch my son grow up brings tears to my eyes. I can't even type those words without getting choked up. It's unimagineable. Yet, it happens every day to millions of people.

Today, Rose is cancer-free.


She fought so hard. I remember talking to her in between treatments and she was acting like it was just any other day, any other stress and it wasn't going to take her down. She refused to be defeated and she kept going. With a smile on her face and in her voice.

I have a lot of heroes in my life and she is one of them. Sadly, there are not many people in my life that have not been touched by some form of cancer and for all of them, I run. For every battle, every fear, every tear, for every moment they have fought and continue to fight, I run.

It is the least I can do.

Please join me in fighting alongside of them by donating here at my Team In Training Page. It is 100% tax deductible and you can use your credit card.

Oh, wait. There's more??

Next week, you will get to vote on what crazy I will do once I reach my goal. I have had a lot of suggestions and if you something I should add for people to vote on, please leave it in the comments! I am not above much.

Here is the list of necklaces to choose from:
Circle charms:
"I Need More Cowbell"
"I Do All My Own Stunts"
"Be Yourself"'
"Strength" - this one's a silver charm, not a circle
"Live Light" - also a charm, not a circle
A purple and silver sneaker
Silver shamrock on one side/ Good Luck on the other with a tiny crystal
Your choice of satin or leather, just leave your preference in the messages when you donate!

Peace, hugs and so much love to you.
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  1. You are awesome, girl. Seriously. I love the cowbell one. I may have to donate to you so I can have it! (Do you still have it?)

  2. My dad died of cancer when I was just 3 years old. I also have a best friend who has cancer right now and an aunt who has cancer. I'll definitely donate something. :)

  3. AWESOME!!!!! just another awesome thing you do!! I will donate on Friday!

  4. Katherine PogorzelskiThursday, March 18, 2010

    You rock! You have to be the busiest mom I know! Good luck to you and I'm sending prayers to your friend, Rose, and her family!


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