

Weigh-In Wednesday

Shrinking Jeans Olympics

Good morning! I am having the best time doing the Shrinking Jeans Olympics! For the span of the Winter Olympics, we have events going on every day (only these ones are doable -- no triple sow cow necessary or whatever that's called) at the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans. You really gotta check it out here, and plus there are medals involved! Sort of.

Anyhoo, I'm down one pound this week. Which is amazing because I didn't count points this week thank Goodness I didn't say that out loud. I didn't eat perfectly but I have religiously worked out, even when I was left all alone home last week alone with two sick kids. I bought a bike trainer (I even vlogged one of the workouts but apparently the camera wasn't pointed up high enough, so it was 40 minutes of headless bike rider or riding torso, depending on whether you're cup half full or empty. And I rode my own bike inside the house every day that I couldn't get away to the gym. (LOVE!) I'll try the vlog again at some point too. But I actually don't remember when my last "day off" was. Which isn't good! We must take days off! I think mine will be Friday.


tntstrengthI make these necklaces, it started out as a necessity because I couldn't find one that I could work out in that was short like a choker. So I bought the leather myself and started making them and I put affirmation rings on them ("Discipline," "Focus," "Courage," "Strength"- inspirational messages.) Of course, I also have silly ones (like the one I'm wearing), "I Need More Cowbell."

I opened up my own Etsy shop and started selling them and have had a great response!

Anyway, remember how I'm training for a half-marathon to fight cancer with the sisters of Shrinking Jeans? If you donate $20 or more (RIGHT HERE - and completely tax deductible), I'll send you a necklace of your choice (with a leather or satin cord, your choice.). If you donate less than that, I'll send you my silicone "Strength, Focus, Discipline" bracelet. (Picture of that is HERE.)
AND ANY DONATION WILL ENTER YOU INTO A RAFFLE FOR A $50 gift card to Dick's Sporting Goods or Barnes And Noble -- your choice.

So pretty please? I've only raised 1% so far. Don't you feel bad for me? I'm pathetic.

ps. I'm going to do something crazy when I reach my goal and I'm letting you vote on it starting next Monday!!
Have a great week! I hope you did wonderfully and I can't wait for the new challenge, I hear it's starting soon and it's really really cool!! Meantime make sure you go visit the rest of the sisters!
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  1. woooot!!!! on your pound without counting. you rock!

    and since i'm a sucker for giveaways - i'll donate again even though i haven't made it around to the other sisters. i'll get to them eventually right? :P

  2. Doesn't it feel good when you lose without trying? Makes you realize what you could REALLY do if you followed the plan to a t. GREAT JOB!!

  3. Congrats on the loss! 1 pound is 1 pound!

  4. Congrats on the 1 pound loss. That is wonderful! I still wear my strength-focus-discipline bracelet that you sent me when we were on Team Gold together. When pay day comes on the 22nd I will be back to donate. My really good friend had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in her chest too. They found it when her daughter was only 6 weeks old. That was 3 years ago and she is doing great. She was actually just cleared to have more children if she wanted too. So this truly is a wonderful cause.

  5. Congrats on your loss, that is awesome that you are loving your new bike gadget! And props to you for offering up some of your goodies...I know I love mine and wore it on Monday!

  6. Great job on the loss! It's TOUGH to stay on target while the little ones are sick! Good job for finding something that worked for you!

    I will be back to donate, I promise. Might take a couple weeks, but I couldn't forget about you!

  7. I'm so proud of you for working out religiously!! You are AWESOME!! Keep up the good work!!

  8. Weightloss twins we are :)

    You and that bike apparatus are killing me! Love your necklaces, BTW! How come I didn't know about your Etsy shop, love?!! Congrats!!!!

  9. I have a trainer for my bike as well. Sort of nice when the weather is crappy - which does happen here in Arizona - or if it's just TOO hot to go outside.

    I'm on my own weight loss thing again - this time with motivation from my mom with the promise of a new wardrobe - there was a $$$ value specified and a deadline of May 13 - I have a wedding to attend. Hoping I'll make it this time - down 5lbs already. (This head cold I have has helped a bit too lately)


Talk to me, Goose!

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