

And then the stunts get crazier.

So by now you've read about the crazy stunt I'm planning (where I run on a treadmill in the mall). Well, now I'm building my itinerary.

Because not only am I walking/running on a treadmill in the mall on March 27th, I'm going to do things on the treadmill. I'm going to put on a show. Because just me on a treadmill is boring! (Who wants to see that?!) And walking/running on a treadmill for 10 hours can get pretty redundant for the person who's doing it (me).

So I'm going to have a little fun. I'll be doing things like having a Retro Hour, where I wear my knee-highs and headbands and whatnots. Possibly legwarmers. (No leotard.) Then there's my hour where I wear weird hats/slash/wigs. My hour of high heels.

And then there is the one hour that is ENTIRELY UP TO YOU. One whole hour!!! I will wear ANYTHING (that is not nakedness or a bathing suit or anything offensive since I will be treadmilling pretty much right near the Easter Bunny and all...) You want me to wear a hat? A clown nose? A prom dress? A tux? Something that you have on hand that you want to send me? I will do that.
Of course, there is a catch (this is a fundraiser, there has to be!!): the one hour goes to the HIGHEST BIDDER!! I am auctioning off ONE HOUR. The highest donation between today, Friday, March 5 and Friday, March 12th at midnight eastern time, gets to pick what I wear. Remember, I will be tweeting and vlogging and blogging this, so I will probably be cursing talking to you that entire hour. You will be the official sponsor of that entire hour. I may even make a sign for you and if you're a blogger, with your blog address on it! And I will tell you, the invites have gone out, the press releases are going out (I used to work at a tv station.. I'm just sayin) and my wonderful sponsor, Westfield Mall, is behind me 100%, so there will be lots and lots of people there! Plus, my embarrassing display will make its way onto the Vlog Wrapup, along with your blog (if you have one). So, any takers?????

Also, every person who donates $20 or more gets a necklace handmade by me for my undying love and appreciation!

And I've got a few new necklaces out! Besides the "I Need More Cowbell" and "I Do All My Own Stunts," I've got a couple new ones: "Good Luck" with a shamrock on the back (click on the pictures to make them larger),
a circle "Peace, Love, Faith, Hope, Truth," and a purple running shoe, which is so fitting in my life because purple is not only the color of Team In Training and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, but it's the color of the March of Dimes, of which I am a huge supporter. I wear one of my own now.

I also have a big huge list of others and it's HERE. So choose away! The link to donate is HERE. And even though I am fundraising light-heartedly, I want you to know that it is still a very, very serious cause to me. I am running for a dear friend of mine who was diagnosed with Non-Hodkins Lymphoma in 2007 and today she is a survivor, a strong, beautiful woman and the mother of a 4 year old boy and you can read more about her HERE. I run for the heroes who have and are battling blood cancers, and every cancer for that matter. Because I don't know many people in my life who haven't been touched by cancer in some form. What about you?

So what do you think? Help a sister out? There's so much in it for you!
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