

A Very Belated Weigh-In Wednesday

Well, I've made it!!!  For this week, anyway, I have officially made it.

A 1.5 lb loss this week and I finally broke into the new decade of the 120s!!!! THE HOLY GRAIL OF CHRISTIE!! I feel like throwing a party! I don't every actually remember being here EVER! EVER EVER EVER! Except for high school when I remember being 117 pounds but I only knew that because I had a weigh-in in gym class. After that, I knew what size I was, but never really paid attention to the scale until my mid-20s (when it alllll went downhill or when my sizes went uphill, whichever way you wanna look at it.)

So here I am!!!

Makes me wanna eat a burger, to tell you the honest truth. Is that wrong?

Anyway, the best thing I have ever done in my life was set parallel goals (like a 5k or 10k or half-marathon or triathlon) to take my mind off of the amount of weight I had to lose. Because somewhere along the way it became more about fitness and less about weight and it actually started to come off. If I can just stay focused on that,  I'm going to have a great year.

By the way I am late in posting because I was out of town for the day yesterday with the kids and my best friend's family at Disney and couldn't post so I was all bottled up inside all day wanting to burst and do cartwheels! Oh sure, there were a few marginal food choices Reuben sandwich  but I am sure I earned about 150 activity points by going to a theme park with two toddlers and no husband -- do you have any idea how hard it is to carry a 30 lb toddler who's throwing a fit because he hasn't napped, up an entire grandstand of bleachers for a stunt show and down again while holding the hand of another squirmy toddler? The legs and arms burning, and my God the sweating...

This was my life all day yesterday. (Of course, we had a blast, we saw Mickey and my 3 year old's first crush (Snow White) and we danced in the streets during the parade -- but man was it work!)

How did you do this week??? Can't wait to see the leaderboard!! Woohooooo!

* * *

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  1. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO proud of you, Christie!!!! SO proud!!! And I totally understand wanting to celebrate with a cheeseburger. No matter how much I change my life and way of thinking, cheeseburger will always equal bliss and celebration :P

    Go Christie, go Christie, GO GO!!!!!!!

  2. Congratulations, Christie! YAY!

    I can't wait until I can make posts like these, too.

    By the way, I followed. ;)

  3. That is awesome Christie!!! I'm so proud of you. Congrats on this wonderful accomplishment!

  4. Congrats! Great week! That is really funny because 117 is a weight that sticks in my head from high school too!

    You have given me more motivation because I'm going to hope I will see the 120's this year too!!!

  5. OMGoodness! I'm SOOO excited for and proud of you!!!! What an little athlete! And I'm with you...a cheeseburger sounds delish! Do, however, make sure you reward yourself...I'm just not sure food is the answer (isn't that how we got in this trouble in the first place?). ;-)

  6. Woo hooo!!! You go, girl!!! Congrats on getting to the 120s!

    That made me chuckle about the burger. Sounds like me celebrating my first 10K with a gelato; it was a small, but it was at a place that's known for good gelato in our town that I'd been longing to try. And when better than after massive calorie burn? It tasted fantastic, and my curiousity was satisfied. I'm good until next fall, when I *might* try doing the half-marathon part of the race...

    So back to your burger. Why not, but on your own terms? Such as, maybe make a mini but totally worthy one at home? Or split one with your husband next time you're out? Total denial tends to backfire on me, but your mileage may vary.

  7. WHOHOOOO!! Way to go girl!! So proud of you!! And you soooo deserve that burger. You totally burned major calories this week witht he Disney excursion!! Can't wait to say I have made it to my goal...I know its coming. It just takes time and some positive motivation from our friends!! thanks for being there for me!!


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