

Coming to you from Fitbloggin

Fitbloggin is over. *sadpoutyface*

And to think, I was actually nervous about meeting all these wonderful girls (and a few dudes, too)!

Fitbloggin was a convergence of health and fitness bloggers and it was held in Baltimore. A lot of us have met online through Twitter and The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans and have been blogging together, following each other and supporting each other for a while. None of us had met in person yet and it was amazing when we finally did. I had terrible nervousness because it felt like how one would feel if you met on E-Harmony, got all close and personal and were finally taking that next step of meeting in person not that I would know. I mean, really. I'm a dinosaur. E-dating practically hadn't been invented when I was still dating. Or maybe it was. I digress. 

The conference itself was inspiring and full of so much life. It included a 5k at 6 a.m. (and a new personal best for me of 28:40!!) even after a late night at the hotel bar.


I never feel like I take enough pictures. However, I do have video documentation of our run, as soon as I edit it down and take the seizure-inducing shaking out of it, I'll post it!

But for now, we're wrapping it up and heading home today. Can't believe it's over already! Oh, and while I was away, I got this itty bitty suprise: ME IN THE PAPER!!! WOOHOO! If you're here from the paper article, thank you! Come back! Leave me a comment!! Hope you had a great weekend, can't wait to fill you in on the rest of Fitbloggin!

* * *
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Please help me fight cancer by donating HERE. I'll even give you a present! Check it out and read about who I'm running for HERE!
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  1. You guys look so happy. You'd think you had been best friends forever. Someday, I'd love to meet you all too. Congratulations on your 5k time. Awesome!

  2. Happy picture! It looks like you had a wonderful time!!!

  3. Oh, I love that photo!! And I am sick, sick I tell you! with envy!! Love that you all had a good time, love that you felt the same emotions I worry about, and LOVE that you all look like a bunch of BFF from high school reunited! Can't wait to meet you all!

  4. I was TOTALLY nervous and butterfly-ish too, but it felt like we have been life-long friends. LOVE YOU!

  5. Seriously, if we got along any better, I may have peed my pants! LOVE YOU!!

  6. totally jealous of your weekend - now back to reality! :)

    off to look at the famous Christie O. In the paper.

  7. I'm so bummed we didn't get a pix together! Conferences go by way too fast!! Can't wait to follow you on your treadmill.


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