

More from Fitbloggin + a Post Fitbloggin (David Grotto) Giveaway

Look at that group! That's pretty much all of the bloggers who went to Fitbloggin 10. Awesome.

The key note speaker when Fitbloggin wrapped up was David Grotto, nutritionist extraordinaire, speaker, tv and radio personality, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association (the list goes on!) and finally, author. He's hilarious, he's got a gigantic personality and he makes nutrition fun.

Case in point: his version of WTF is "where's the fiber?"

In one week from now, our Monday Project at the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans will be to read a healthy book or a book about nutrition or cooking or fitness or something health-related. (I know, what am I doing spilling the beans already?!) I will be reading this book:
101 Foods That Could Save Your Life, by David Grotto. I've heard of it before and I've been wanting to read it for a while. Since he was a guest speaker there, I got one and I got it signed! But the cool part is I have a signed copy to also give away!

  • So. Just leave me a comment telling me if you've ever heard of this book or David Grotto!
  • Become a fan of my Facebook page about my event Christie On a Treadmill at the Mall - which is this Saturday already! Whoa! (Raising money for Team Shrinking Jeans for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training!)
  • You can tweet it for an extra entry.
  • You can get up to three entries but you must leave a separate comment for each entry.
  • The contest closes at Wednesday night at midnight EDT so I can ship it out Thursday and get it to you by next week in time for the Monday Project!
If you're not doing the Monday Project, that's ok, it's still a pretty great book (or at least I'll be sure of that next week after I read it!) If you don't know what the Monday Project is, I write up a post at The Sisterhood with a project, you get all week to do it, then you link up your post on Friday so we can all come by and read it. (In fact, you can see what this week's Monday Project is HERE.) Anyway, leave me a comment, random winner gets the book and we can compare notes after we've read it next week! Have a great week!
* * *

Psst! Become a fan of Christie On a Treadmill At the Mall on Facebook!

Please help me fight cancer by donating HERE. I'll even give you a present! Check it out and read about who I'm running for HERE!
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  1. Of course I know who he is! I've actually been following David on Twitter for awhile. Love his personality and knowledge! You are AWESOME for doing this giveaway, girl!! xoxoxo

  2. I am a big loser pants and only knew of him from the Fitbloggin speaker page! I was all starstruck when I met him on Saturday and he said he knew me from my blog! I tried acting cool but I am really not all that good at acting cool! ;-)

  3. and I already stalk, i mean follow (really I meant follow) everywhere you go!!

  4. I hadn't heard of him till reading your post, but I'd love to read his book. I can use all the help I can get.

  5. I'm a Facebook fan. Now, I have to go checkout this weeks Monday Project. I haven't missed one yet.

  6. I haven't heard of him, but then again, I was not one of the lucky ones to go to fitbloggin :) I'd love to read his book.

  7. I'm already a fan of your page :) I'd be there cheering you on if you didn't live so far away from me. I will definitely be there in spirit!

  8. Ooh, I really love this book! I'd love to have a copy.

  9. I'm a Facebook fan now.

  10. And I just retweeted the giveaway!

  11. I heard about just recently, I actually read about it either on a blog or in a magazine, I don't remember. I would love the book !

  12. Became a FB Follower! Good Luck at the mall!

  13. i haven't heard of him, but if you fitbloggin ladies like him he must be good!

  14. already a fan of christie on the mall treadmill :)

  15. Nope, hadn't heard of him until all your tweets from Fitbloggin! But now I'm really curious!

  16. Never heard of him, but now I really want to read that book!

  17. I actually just heard about him yesterday. One of my co-workers swears by him she really loves him.

  18. Love this giveaway!! I'm not entering even though I never did go and get my books autographed. *sniff*

  19. Already a FB fan of Christie on the treadmill. You will do great!

  20. I have never heard of him but it sounds like an interesting book.

  21. Yep, I've heard of him and have followed him on Twitter for quite a while. I would love to be entered in your drawing. :)

  22. I'm already a fan of your Christie on a Treadmill page on Facebook. In face, I'm a fan with both of my Facebook accounts. LOL

  23. Tweeted it, too!

  24. Never heard of him or the book, but it sounds like a great read! Gotta love a book that gives me a list of things to eat to save my life.

  25. I'm your FAN and can't wait to keep up with your progress this weekend! You are sooooo gonna rock this treadmill!!

  26. Oh, I love his "Food of the Month" video posts on MizFitOnline; those cracked me up. He helped me get over my fear of potatoes. :-)

  27. I have never heard of either, sadly.

  28. I have never heard of David.

  29. I am totally a facebook fan...can't believe its here already!

  30. Honestly? Never heard of him or the book.

  31. Since it is all-natural one as well as there is no hazardous side results for taking this, if you desire to take r-alpha lipoic acid after that you can take this on a routine basis. The cost of this anti-oxidant is extremely sensible so you do not require to be so tensed at the time of taking this anti-oxidant.


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