

The Hangover

OK so I'm a little sore.

My legs are hung over. They partied like rockstars yesterday.

I'm pretty sure they're pissed.

I went home last night and sat in a cold bathtub, which felt good on my legs, but not on the rest of me. I am wondering if one takes an ice bath, if you can wear a parka up top? What do people normally do? Because sitting in a cold bathtub is paradise for my legs, but torturous on the rest of me!

Anyway, my husband was sweet enough to let me sleep in until 10. And this morning I woke up 2 pounds lighter, literally. Awesome. (I totally ate Chick-Fil-A fries on the treadmill, too, just like Coach Joe said I could. It felt weird shoveling food into my piehole on the treadmill, especially fries.)

Right now it's 6pm and I'm still in my pajamas. It's been raining out all day and I'm thinking today's a perfect day to go from one pair of pajamas to another.

I had spent night and day on this fundraiser leading up to yesterday, so it is so nice that I can and will literally do nothing today. When I'm less lazy, I'll upload more pictures, but here's the link to the news story! They didn't get me on my good side (should've told him to swing around to the other side!) but oh well!

Thank you so much to everyone who supported me! I will e-mail you separately anyway, but if you contributed more than $20, please pick out a necklace HERE and e-mail me your choice! (And Ps. the necklace offer still stands any time you donate, so you still have time!) And seriously, thank God for inventing Twitter, because what would I have done all day without you all keeping me company???!!!!

* * *
And if you still want to help me fight cancer, you can do so by donating HERE.
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  1. You are a rockstar and I totally thought of you when I wanted to breakdown and die at mile 7 today. You got me through it. So, thanks. ;) xoxo

  2. You are truly an amazing woman. I am so proud of you! SO PROUD!

  3. wooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooo!!! great job Christie. You deserve to take it easy for a day or two. :D

  4. I can't stop saying it. I am so proud of you!!!


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