


I will have a complete "Treadmill at the Mall" report a little later, complete with pics and probably video.

But my final tally was: Hours run/walked: 10. Miles run/walked: 26. $$ raised: $1435, between the folks at the mall and the people who donated online while I was on the treadmill, because I sent live updates to Twitter all day and some of you took pity on me supported me 100%!

I am so humbled by the long list of people who supported me in doing this, from my family to all the wonderful friends who came to the mall to support me, to the wonderful group of friends I have online who kept me going with their encouraging words and the pictures they took of themselves supporting me (Pubsgal, Lissa and children!) I'm also humbled by the stories I heard from the strangers who supported my mall adventure and all the names that went on my shirt. I am humbled by the mall staff and the gym staff who shook my hand and cheered me on the whole entire day (and to the Regis salon who let me borrow their "facilities" and cheered me on from inside the salon). And the little girl who reached into her tiny pocket and dropped her change in my bucket. And the people who stopped by in the morning and came back later just to see if I was still there. And the one kid who kept passing me asking, "Are you still the same lady?"

Thank you. I might not have reached my $2,000 goal at the mall, but I have reached my $2,900 Team In Training goal. I'm there. Because of you.

Psst! Become a fan of Christie On a Treadmill At the Mall on Facebook!

Please help me fight cancer by donating HERE. I'll even give you a present! Check it out and read about who I'm running for HERE!
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  1. If I could give you a gold medal right now, I totally would! So very, very proud of you! xoxo

  2. I've been saying it all day, but I am so proud of and in awe of you! xoxo

  3. You rock!! 26 miles, you did a freakin marathon. I'm so proud of you.

  4. I echo what everyone has said -- so proud of you, girl! Tears in my eyes this morning, catching up on Twitter. 10 hours? Incredible. Love you!

  5. I'm finally getting caught up in google reader this morning and I've gotta say-I am so in awe of you! 26 miles is a marathon, woman! I loved seeing your tweets while I was sitting in my conference, wishing I could be there in person to cheer you on. You are an absolute rockstar!

  6. I too am tearing up with pride Christie! You are amazing!!!


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