

Wanna a piece of me? (Sort of..)

Lucky you! I am extending the "auction" here until Monday morning (Sunday night) 12 a.m. What is this auction? For one hour, I'll do anything you want during my stint on a treadmill at Westfield Countryside Mall in Clearwater on March 27th. (I am running/walking on a treadmill from the time it opens till the time it closes, and it's being sponsored by Westfield Countryside Mall and Lifestyle Family Fitness!)

I realize this may have been a little confusing in the beginning, so here are the rules: Bidding is starting at $5.

Which means, if you donate $5 right now, the hour will be yours, until someone donates higher. I will keep you posted on the bidding on Twitter if you follow me on @christieo. I will also Tweet and update this blog post AND let the highest donor know that they've been outbid and give them an opportunity to donate higher. Highest donor by 12 a.m. Monday morning, March 15th wins.

OK, so what do you win? For an entire hour, which will be tweeted and facebooked and videotaped, I will wear what you want me to, I will advertise your website or blog and I will have a sign with your blog and/or website on it and even wear a tee-shirt with your info on it! (Unless of course, you're making me wear a prom dress on the treadmill.) Anything (non-offensive) is fair game. There is not much I won't do (for charity.) I will also blog about you here and at The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans, the best weight-loss and fitness website EVER. And not to brag or anything, but we have a LOT of readers. I will also Facebook and Tweet about YOU, whoever you are, until then. You be my #1 supporter and I'll be yours!

Here is the link to my page:

NOTE: *During this time, EVERYONE who donates, wins the necklace of their choice and that link is HERE! So even if you don't win the hour, you still win! Everyone's a winner!*

* * *

Please help me fight cancer by donating HERE. I'll even give you a present! Check it out and read about who I'm running for
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