

The Race Report

is coming.

Psych! Betcha thought it was here in all its race report glory. Yes, it's coming. I promise. The short story: I finished, I did pretty well for myself actually with a pr on the swim and the run, and came in middle of the pack like I had hoped! Success all the way around! Learned a lot too. Also, it was my first time peeing in wearing a wetsuit in a race!

But I won't lie. I was beat over the weekend between the tri and my son's 4th birthday party. I had all these visions of baking last night so I could bring his class some healthy treat for his class birthday party and I ended up doing a BOGO on donuts from the grocery store. Bad mommy! And yes, I had to sheepishly explain it to a couple of very healthy parents that I chose donuts. (Sorry guys! I had good intentions! Really!)

Anyway, the party was yesterday at the Clearwater Aquarium (which was awesome.) His actual 4th birthday is today.

So wait.

My son is 4. I have a 4 year old.

You mean to tell me, that night that my water broke and I went into labor 6 weeks early...THAT was 4 YEARS ago?

I just can't believe it. Forgive me, I'm a little verclempt.

Talk amongsst yourselves I'll give you a tawpic: The Cold War was neither Cold nor war, discuss.

* * *
Please help me fight cancer by donating HERE. I'll even give you a present! Check it out and read about who I'm running for HERE!
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