

Race Day Eve

"Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness,heart, talent, guts. That's what little girls are made of; the heck with sugar and spice." - Bethany Hamilton

Tomorrow is the first race of the triathlon season here and I'm trying to not be nervous. Honestly, I'm surprisingly not as nervous as I usually am, in fact I'm more nervous about the 10 mile training run I have to get in this weekend with my Team In Training team! Aye carumba.

In true Christie fashion, I've scheduled a triathlon the day before my son's 4th birthday party and there is a 10 mile run after the birthday party, then it's my son's actual birthday on Monday, which means a little party at school. Um, how much time do I think I have anyway? Of course, softball starts Monday night too.

So today I'm going to take it easy. I'm going to swim. Then I'm going to pick up my race packet. And then I'm going to have my ceremonious spaghetti and meatball carbo-loady meal with my boys and spend the day drinking a ton of water. And then after the kids go to bed, I will watch my Ironman video. Like we do before all our races.

I have officially joined the 35-44 age group (holy crap I'm old!) and that's actually the most competitive age bracket for the sport. You really gotta love a sport where you're in your prime for it in your 40's. That pretty much kicks ass. Of course, I have a little work to do before I get there myself, so I'm pretty much resorting to the fact that I'll be a back-of-the-packer in my age group since everyone in my age group kicks tail.

My race cap is red (hurrah!)

That's pretty much it. Maybe I'll vlog today too like I did last time. What's on tap for you this weekend?? Have a wonderful Friday and a wonderful weekend! Ps. I'll be adding quotes to the top all day. I need to get in the zone. Please feel free to add your own here and I will thank you forever for motivating me. XO
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Please help me fight cancer by donating HERE. I'll even give you a present! Check it out and read about who I'm running for HERE!
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