

Weigh-In Wednesday: The Lots of "Firsts" Version

  • 2 pounds lost and making it well into the 120's: check. (HURRAH!)
  • 1 pair of size 6 Lucky brand shorts that gave me the appearance of camel toe last summer now fit me and are actually loose: check
  • 1st official pair of khaki shorts out of the drawer and being worn because it's actually hot out and the Florida "winter" is officially gone: check (hurrah!)
  • 1st year EVER wearing a tank top completely unabashedly and without an ounce of shame of my arms (and my friends and family know about my obsession with "FatArm" and yes, "FatArm" was a "condition" with its own name): check
  • My first tri of the season this weekend! (Criminy!): check.
  • The first time the words "camel toe" appeared on this blog: check

Today is a good day.

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