

Weigh-In Wednesday: The Long Lost Version

It's been a while since I've weighed in at the Sisterhood, I know! I have taken a short hiatus from weighing in, but the good news is, I've bounced up and down the normal 2 pound range but hovered around maintenance for the past few weeks. I haven't been trying to lose weight, I have just been trying not to gain. And I've been successful at that!

As far as exercise goes, we did the half-marathon in San Diego, I took it easy on exercise the following week, just did a couple workouts that week (scored a new pr in a 5k at a beer run and came in before my husband!) and since then, I've been slowly getting back into things. I have my first sprint triathlon since the Olympic distance in April this Sunday. Woot!

And I am excited!

Because it's my one year anniversary of triathlons! Sunday, I'm doing the same exact race I did one year ago. It was my very first one ever and I'm going back! I'm returning to the scene of the crime! I'm so so excited to see how I do and if I have improved over the year. So so excited! Because I looked at my time and in the "newbie" category, I did ok, but if I had raced in my age group, it would have been dead last. Not that there is anything wrong with coming in last, someone has to, but I'd like to think that I'd come in a little bit higher this go around. We'll see! I think the only way I'll do well is if I kick butt in the run, and that's pretty hard because it's just so hot when it's time for that run. I don't care if I come in last (well, maybe a little), I just care that I improve my time. Of course it would be nice to finish somewhere in the midpack....Anyway, I have a secret target time and I'm going to try and hit it.

I'm going to start joining back in on the weigh-ins in a week or two, once I get my new training plan in place because I have a few large races at the end of the year I'll be training for all summer, like:
-The Disney Wine and Dine 1/2 Marathon Oct. 1
-Miami Man 1/2 Iron Distance Triathlon (which includes a fresh water alligator lake-- yikes!)
-My very first marathon -- The Disney Marathon in January, and if you're part of the Sisterhood or not, we're gathering a big group of us to go do this! This is an open invitation! Calling all runners! Calling all sisters!

Anyway, the training officially starts for these things in a week or two (20 weeks out from Miami Man.) For those, I will want to get into better shape, so I hope that weight-loss will be included in there although it won't be my primary focus.

Oh, and ps. my new blog is in the works, I can't wait! It's almost here!! Baby Tea Leaves is headed for retirement, but there are great new things happening with the new blog (at least I think so!) so please don't go anywhere!!!!!!!!!
Happy Weigh-In Wednesday!
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