

Final Fat Ticker -- for now! And giveaway stuff!

Guten Morgen! Gruss Dich! Wie gehts???

Nothing like waking up to some high school German, right? How's everyone today! I'm feeling good! I's a gots some fun stuffs for us on our final Fat Ticker Friday (of the immediate future!)

(Ps. have you read about Mantra Monday?)

Well, today -- our friends over at CrossFit are giving us tee-shirts!! Just for being us!! Isn't that nice??? But supplies are limited so the tees will go to the first 4 commenters who have been participating in the Quest! (Sorry -- yes, only questers here. However, stay tuned for a healthy giveaway announcement open to everyone on Saturday!)


So MAN! I'm feeling great! I'm back on track, total wagon, and after being sick have gotten in all my training workouts, (in my training log if you give a care...) including my swims in which I look like The Fly, and I will weigh in at my usual 8 am-ish. Oh yeah and hey, it's Friday the 13th!! WWoooooooo! (Ghost sound).

If you read about Mantra Monday this week, you've read that I'm putting Fat Ticker Friday on hold for a little while. I will still be weighing in on Fridays but in an unofficial manner, and instead I'll be working on a little zen here. I'm on a new personal quest to find balance and harmony in my life and I hope you'll join me!

Happy Friday everyone!! Good luck!
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  1. Hi Christie!! Thanks for visiting my blog this morning!! I clicked over, and I recognized your blog immediately - your blog was the one that convinced me that I wanted to get my blog design custom made - I remember seeing yours sometime last year and falling in love! So thanks for the inspiration!!

  2. I'm getting caught up, and I love your idea of Mantra Monday. I may also just be reading along for the ride, but I look forward to it! You amaze me, and you are awesome.

  3. I LOVE Crossfit!!!! My trainer brother introduced me to their website around Christmas. He helped me adjust the WOD for me when I was getting back into training. I am down 3 lbs this week. Woohoo!!!! not the traditional way of hard work.....I had a minor complication from my o/p procedure a week ago, but that is fixed and workouts to resume this weekend!!!! Good luck on the whole zen thing!!! :o)

  4. I forgot to say THANK YOU Christie!!!!! It has been so much fun following your journey and I will be watching as you train now for your triathalon!!! I STILL where my blue bracelet daily and get very defensive when my 2 yr. old wants to take it and wear it!!! My goal is to look decent in a tank top and a pair of shorts this summer and I believe that I am actually going to make that goal this year!!!! Thanks again for all you do!!!

  5. Thanks for another great challenge, Christie!!! You know, I hadn't thought I'd made much progress during the past few months. But after comparing before and after info, looks like I'm doing alright!

    Since 12/15/08:
    - Tried and joined the gym; tried lots of new classes.
    - Became a regular at BodyPump class.
    - Worked out regularly, both cardio and strength.
    - Ran my 5K; scheduled 2 more for 2009.
    - Lost 2.5" in the bust, 2.5" in the waist, 2.25" in the hips, and 1.25" in the thighs.
    - Lost 10 pounds.

    I'm looking forward to reading more about your triathlon experience...and hopefully joining you, albeit virtually! :-)

  6. okay, i ran my first ever 5k and have been training like a nut...too bad my weight loss doesn't reflect that...but it will. and soon. my body is attached to this fat from the 80s but I WILL WIN. thanks for the motivation! oh and i'm sure i will be joining in again to find some zen.

  7. Will you be starting up a new "run" at being fit soon? I'm about to implement my couch to 5K program.


Talk to me, Goose!

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