
Fat Ticker Friday-the internet's down version


GOD THAT WAS AWFUL! You may as well chop my arms off!! How does one survive without thee internet???

Mmmm. Nonfat Chai. And a little man comfy in his seat eating Goldfish. This is the life.

Anyhoo.. sorry bout that. I tried for hours to get onto the internet last night. Resetting, rebooting, unplugging, and nada. This morning I had hoped my internet had slept it off or whatever internets do at night but nope. Again, nothing. So here I am, blogging at Starbucks.

No, I had no loss this week. But I hadn't really expected one. I worked out like a banshee and ate things like grilled chicken, low-fat enchiladas on wheat tortilla, my Myoplex Lite bars, all of that. But it's the first time I had been to the gym to work out with my normal weight routine in a week or two because I hadn't had a sitter and when I wasn't running, I would do the Wii Fit, which was actually good for a good couple pounds. But this week I mixed it up. I feel the pain in my muscles, I know things are working but my luck I'll see the progress tomorrow or the day after.

So did you read my post from Monday?? About renewing your vows? I have. Yawanna?? I have written my vows, to you, and to the w-w-w and to the rest of the world for these next few weeks. Feel free to steal, tweak, and use for your own purposes. That was this week's project and you can feel free to link up with your own and share!

This week's prize is a lovely white tea called "Snow Geisha" from Teavana and a tea diffuser to-go cup, both of which I have actually given away on my blog before because I just love it so darned much and I know you will too. Good luck in the drawing!! Hope you did wonderfully!! Disregard the below, that was written before said internet connection and via phone.
* * *

Don't know what's wrong, internets been down for hours to much a blogger frustration, I'm stuck with a phone post. No loss no gain for me but that's ok. I think it's cause I lifted lots of weights and hadn't in a while cause I worked out at home (no sitter=wii fit).

how did you do??? hope everyone rocked it this week!! more as soon as soon as I connect at starrbucks!!


  1. I haven't done my "post" yet, but I can confirm that I gained 1 pound this week :( I think I know what I did wrong and I think I know how to correct it. And can you say "exercise"? Cause I haven't been...
    I'll get my post up later, but I wanted to report.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Down 1/2 of a pound this week. I go crazy when my internet is down. I hope it's back up soon!!!

  4. I need to do another comment, I deleted my last one, oops! I'm down 2.4 pounds this week!! So happy with that number.

    I also seen the prize for this week and that tea sounds so yummy! Where can you get it at?

    Good luck ladies. Hope we do awesome.

  5. Down 6 pounds this week, but not in a good way.

    Root canal and then abscess. Sore, cranky and really tired.


  6. I'm down 1.4lbs it's nice to see a constant change lately - hope I can keep it going.

  7. I only lost 1/2 pound this week... and I am started to get a bit frustrated. *sigh*

  8. Blogging from Starbuck's is not too bad *g* - staying away from the Frappuccino would be hard for me :-)

    Hope you'll be back online again soon.

    The vows are posted, as well as the report and an award which goes out to all members of HFH.

    Have a great day!

  9. Up 1 pound this week. Oh well.

  10. Does 0.1 down count? That´s it for me. Not eating enough veggies, that´s my problem...

  11. No internet would completely suck. I'm still not weighing in because I'm still kind of off track with all the temporary crazy going on. Still doing better on purpose sometimes, though, and still cheering everyone on!

  12. Down 1 for me! I hope you get your internet back soon, I hate it when that happens!!

  13. I'm proud to report I get my 5lb. badge! I lost 1 lb. this week.

  14. I gained 1.4 pounds. But I'm actually not bummed about it. I haven't been able to weigh in for 2 weeks because I was out of town. I was not good when I was out of town, like really, really, really not good. The gain was much bigger than 1.4 and I actually lost 2.7 this week...but my overall gain since my last weigh in here is 1.4. (Long enough novel???) So I'm on my way back down and that's good. I'm hoping next week to report a loss, wait I WILL report a loss next week dang it! ;)

  15. .8lb gain for me. Remember when you said to send the candy with the hubby to work? Yeah I am at that work & it's all ending up in my belly dang it!

  16. Bummer – I’ve been wicked busy and didn’t even weigh in last week. In fact, I haven’t even weighed myself AT ALL since Halloween morning. I’m up 1.4 pounds. Crap. I do believe I’ll have read your vow renewal and everyone else’s as well. Maybe that will help me out?

    But hey, woo hoo! You are training the boy early for life at a frat house? Sitting there eating goldfish? Did you spin him around on a bar stool between each one? Okay, I couldn’t resist! :-)

  17. No loss this week... but no gain either!

  18. Up 2 lbs this week so just have to regroup and keep going!

  19. Well my scale went down this AM. Needs batteries, but per my Weight Watchers WI on Monday, I'm down 1.2lbs!!

  20. Down 1 pound this week. Bought some tight jeans for Thanksgiving to help remind me to be good! :-)

  21. I'm psyched. I broke a huge milestone. And I'm gonna even say it here...I'm now under 200 pounds - first time in about 2 years. I lost another whole TWO POUNDS this week. Yippee!!! Oh - and Summer finished my new blog design & it's AWESOME!!!! ;-) Thanks again!

  22. I'm very, very excited to announce a 1.2 loss. Doesn't sound like much, does it? But it puts me over the 20 pounds lost barrier for the first time! YAY!!!!!!

  23. No change for me this week. I weakened and made a sheet of pumpkin bars. While I tried not to be too bad with them, they certainly didn't help. Hope to be back with a loss next week!

  24. The internet is my lifeline....I absolutely go crazy without it.

    I am also DOWN 1 pound this week....I was really hoping for 2 lbs in order to grab a new shiny badge that reads "10 gone" but I guess I'll have to wait until next week...hopefully.

  25. There's no scale in sight around here. We're out visiting what might be our new home in Alberta, and the hotel doesn't have a scale. I know that on Tuesday night there had been no change, but I don't know about today. THought I'd check in anyway...

  26. Up 1 pound! Errrrr!!!!! Hoping for a better week next week. :)

  27. I lost 2 pounds of muscle mass... darn it!!! At least it was a loss!!!

  28. I apologize but I have gained 4 lbs. Yikes! That hurts but I have to move on and not dwell on it. I have had quite the challenges over the past month or so and well there ya have it. Way to go to everyone who lost this week. You ROCK!


  29. I lost 3 pounds this week. Hooray stomach flu!

  30. no post yet...i will get that up tonight or tomorrow, but i had to drop by to tell you that i lost nothing, zilch, zip, nada, get my drift. lol i've been so bad about exercising. *sigh*

  31. I'm down 3.6 this week, makinf up for last week's gain.


Talk to me, Goose!

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