
7 Miles


This morning was our long run and it was 7 miles, officially the longest distance I have ever run. And I didn't want to die afterward! It wasn't that bad! Except for the leg muscles shaking at the end and having to do about 10 minutes of stretching...

What I am learning from this training process is the following (besides wishing I could carry a pen and paper because I always have the greatest inspiration to write while I'm on runs):

I am learning that at the other side of uncomfortable, there is comfortable.

You wouldn't think so when you've just gone up a huge hill and can barely catch your breath on the way down, knowing you still have 4 1/2 miles left and you're panting, but it's true.

There was a time where I was so uncomfortable that I really really wanted to stop. I was officially out of my comfort zone. But just a little later, things got better and my legs went on autopilot and that got me through two more miles. Then things got rough again, but for the final mile, half of which was a sprint because you could see the "finish line", it got better again.

It was a rollercoaster run, but for every period of uncomfortable, there was comfortable and there's something to be said for pushing through the uncomfortable part. I just have to remember that as I continue the long runs, because next week is 8 miles, followed by 9, followed by 10 and these are the final weeks of training. For next week I think if we did 7, then surely we can do just one more, right? Getting into the unknown now and getting a little nervous...

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  1. Congrats! You are so right. I got on my bike this morning - it was COLD! It's really outside even though the porch is screened/plastic covered. But I did it - not long - but long enough to know I am so out of shape. Here's to training & getting in shape & keeping it real. Congrats & keep up the great work!

    PS: I just gave you a blog award...

  2. Wow, wow, wow!!! That is awesome! You are doing great!

  3. Congrats!!!! You feel so good after you have accomplished it too!!!!!

  4. 7 miles, you're an inspiration!

    Last week I was so proud of myself for maintaining my 2 mile runs, and then I made it to 2.8 miles and I just think how far can I really go? I'm addicted now.


Talk to me, Goose!

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