
Motivation Monday: Week Two + Prize

Motivation Monday is about all things inspiring and motivating. They are things I think about to get through each day and each workout. And today I want to acknowledge someone who inspired me over the weekend, one of the bloggers who's doing our weightloss challenge: Patty at "Our Life as an Air Force Family".

She had a rough weekend, to say the least. Her husband was in the hospital, she hasn't gotten any sleep, and yet, with all these roadblocks, she still found the time to get in her exercise. So when I'm sitting in the parking lot outside the gym this week, moaning and groaning about how I don't feel like moving, all I will think about is Patty and slap myself in the face and get moving. I hope everything's going better, Patty! If you get a second to head over to say hi to her, please do!

The motivational song this week is Taking Chances by Celine Dion. It's the first song in my warm-up playlist on my I-Pod and I've posted it on here too. I highly recommend it for a workout playlist. Finally, and I told you I find inspiration in weird places, is a quote from a political theorist and philosopher, you may have heard of him, Adam Corolla. (snicker).

He was leaving "Dancing with the Stars" last week after getting voted off (probably because of that crazy moustache). He said he was scared of doing Dancing with the Stars but he was glad he had faced his fears. And he had a little advice for people who are faced with challenges. He said, (and yes, I am quoting Adam Corolla):"There's something that scares you. There's something that is your dancing with the stars. Embrace it. Don't run from it. Do it!"

So get moving, ya'll! Think about Patty and Adam Corolla when you're staring your vice in the face this week.

Lastly and bestly, the second prize drawing will be this Friday, and it will be this:

The Family Facts On-The-Go Organizer and Planner. I had one of these (I told you I'm giving away some of my favorite things) and it rocked. It's always easier to get things done when you're organized and you have everything (workouts, meals, playdates, kids' schedules, whatever) planned out. It comes with a little plastic cover so you can spill coffee or sippy cup-ness all over it and it won't get ruined, and it comes with a pen (how nifty! I always seem to lose pens.) Good luck this week!

My personal goal for the week is 2 pounds. Three pounds would put me in another decade of numbers and boy would I be happy, but I am going to be realistic here and hope for 2. Have fun!


  1. Thanks! Now to see if I can fit in a walk today. ;)

  2. Great post! The organizer sounds great!

    Thanks for the kind words over at my blog.

  3. Wow, I could really benefit from that organizer!

    My goal for this week is to work out / exercise at least three times. Keep your fingers crossed that I can do it - I have a super busy week ahead of me!


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